Designer: Yen-Hao CHU, Nicolas de VISMES, Arturo LEZAMA
Photopraphers: Anastasia Mityukova and Benoît JEANNET
Every year in October, Mexico fills with colorful decorations and offerings to celebrate the most representative Mexican traditions - Festival of the Dead. In this collaborative workshop, production techniques linked to specific Day of the Dead items were asked to be re-thought. In a society that most people live on corn, the amount of the production of corns leaves could be excessive. In local, some people use it to pack sticky rice like a dumpling and it is called “Tamales”. Our team coated this material with edible wax, so we can form it to 3D shapes and create ecological containers for drinks and food. Due to the limitation of the size of corn leaves, each leaves can only be formed into a small container. Since Tequila originally came from Mexico, we found that the size is perfect for cups of Tequila shot and the trays for its lemons.
每年11月,墨西哥大街小巷都在歡慶亡靈節(西班牙語: Día de Muertos)類似萬聖節,家人和朋友團聚在一起,為已經去世的家人和朋友祈福。在墨西哥,亡靈節是一個重要的節日,幾乎與國慶節相當。慶祝活動時間為11月1日和2日,與天主教假期萬聖節(11月1日)和萬靈節(11月2日)相同。傳統的紀念方式為搭建私人祭壇,擺放用糖骷髏、萬壽菊和逝者生前喜愛的食物,並攜帶這些物品前往墓地祭奠逝者。在這次的工作營,我們發現数百年来,玉米一直是墨西哥食品中的主角,而以玉米为原料制成的Tortia饼和Taco也是墨西哥最基本、也最有特色的食品。然而當玉米可食用的部分被人們使用後,大量的玉米葉卻難以被利用。在墨西哥當地,玉米葉最常被使用當成當地食物Tamales的外皮。Tamales有點像中國的粽子,外皮用玉米葉包裹,內部是包糯米與雞肉,在當地的聖誕節與亡靈節人們都會食用。我與組員決定利用過剩的乾玉米葉,製成環保容器,因礙於與玉米葉大小和長度有限,特別適合壓製成小容器。因當地盛產龍舌蘭酒Taquila, 我們在離開墨西哥前一天的Party上,製作了500個 Taquila shot 杯,供大家享用,目前正與知名墨西哥龍舌蘭酒品牌談後續合作。