This product serves as a causal hanger to drape over your scarves, neckties, accessories, and prepared clothes. Its form was an implication of moon lattice which was a type of window widely used in traditional Chinese architectures. Instead of implanting a lot of design into a product, we choose to present the simple and beautiful cross section of bamboo to act as holders. This manufacturing technique of bamboo has been used in interior decorating in Japan for several years. Whether you put some accessories on it will always be a picturesque scenery.

月洞竹影 /
靈感源於紅樓夢中的《月洞窗》,書中描繪月洞窗上籠着薄紗,上面掛著回念詩的鸚哥,窗外千桿竹影翠潤,書香、木色與雲霧懸繞在牆上,猶如一片景致。柾割-兩道竹的剖面,仰賴竹匠師傅精準的切割技藝,在日本被廣泛使用於建築領域。 我們思考的是如何把經典意涵與傳統工藝結合,詮釋簡約本質。隨性將絲巾、領帶、配件或待穿衣物掛上,或者留白。望過月洞,皆成風景。

Designer: YenHao Chu